
DATE: Wednesday16th May 2012

Year 10 English Studies: Film Study: Summative Assessment task

Task: Make an anti-bullying advert.


Either work on your own, or with a friend.

You may choose to create either of the following:

A radio advert

A magazine advert

A television advert

You need to include an evaluation of the process.

Due date: Wednesday 30th May Week 6

(with peer assessment and advice given during the single lesson)

Genre specific instructions:

A.      Radio advert:

30-45 seconds

Pay careful attention to sound, as it is all that the audience has.

Use a variety of tempo, pause, pitch, volume and tone to portray your message.

Mention where victims can get help.

Decide who your audience is BEFORE you start.

B.      Magazine advert:

100-150 words

Pay careful attention to visual literacy – you want the reader to stop paging through the magazine and read your advert.

Use a striking image

Use a powerful slogan

Mention where victims can get help.

Decide who your audience is BEFORE you start.

C.      Television advert:

30-45 seconds long

Use powerful sound and visuals to prevent the audience from changing to the next channel.

You may use voice overs

Mention where victims can get help.

Decide who your audience is BEFORE you start.

* Enjoy the chance to be creative!


While working on your advert, keep notes of your progress.

Upon completion, assess your advert’s success – do you think your advert would have reached your audience?

Miss Coke and Miss Van der Berg will provide further details, advice and support about the evaluative component next week!

Task 1

  • In groups of 2 brainstorm everything that comes to mind when you think about bullying.
  • List these in your books, you might find it easier by creating a mindmap.
  • Think about bullying in ways that have effected different generations of students.
  • For example, how has bullying changed since your parents were at school  - Think of technology .

       Be ready to explain your list to the rest of the class on Wednesday

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